B2B digital strategy: How to attract more customers? Marketing and sales

To translate B2B digital marketing actions into the generation of profitable clients, they must be tied to a strategy that aims to win over CEOs, Managers, Department Heads, Assistants, etc. How to do it?

It makes no sense to develop marketing actions without knowing the unique value proposition you are offering, so to undertake them you must begin by developing it.

The next step is to communicate a complete B2B digital strategy, but where to start? How to attract more marketing and sales clients in times of need? The answer is through key messages and appropriate channels: the pillars of effective B2B digital marketing strategies . Let’s start with the value proposition.

B2B Digital Marketing Strategies: Develop Your Value Proposition

What makes a brand desirable? It is much more than a perfect product or service. It is essential to understand that what sells the most is not the products, but the ideas. The processes that a brand follows to stand out are diverse; however, this is the most representative:

Which one do you feel most strongly about? What emotions does reading “ Just do it ” generate in you? We are human beings, emotional by nature, therefore, many of our purchasing decisions are guided by: affiliation, pleasure, power, sense of belonging, etc.

The value is assigned by the customers, identify their needs

A unique value proposition should provide a solution to your customers’ problems or satisfy a need. By solving them or satisfying needs, people get value, and therefore, they will be willing to give something in return, time, money, contact information, likes, shares, etc.

A common mistake is to analyze value from our perspective, when it is important to keep in mind that the value of our products or services is assigned by the customer.

Empathize with your customers

  • What do your customers need?
  • How can you help them meet their needs?
  • How to help them solve their problems?
  • How would you define your products and/or services?
  • What words would you use to search for your products and/or services?

For example, if you were a company that sells furniture,  germany telemarketing including chairs made from polypropylene, people would search for “polypropylene chairs” or they would search for “plastic furniture” instead.

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Identify your direct and indirect competitors

How do they currently 4 marketing actions to attract customers in b2b companies meet their needs? What options are available to them? It is important that when you begin to develop your value proposition, you consider not only your direct competitors, but also your substitutes.

For example, Netflix. Its big work direct competitors include Amazon, Apple, Disney, HBO, Hulu, Blim, etc., but there are also others, with which the user would be satisfying the need for entertainment, for example, cable television, movie theaters, open television, videos on YouTube, Facebook, even illegal platforms.

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