Customers are the most important asset for a company. While all employees of the company are the ones who make things work and who are responsible for providing value, customers are the ones who allow the flow of capital to undertake multiple endeavors.
However, in order to have clients, you first need to have prospects that the marketing and sales team can work with through a strategy that aims to grow the company. It’s not just about attracting more clients, but doing so in a scalable way.
While we would like everyone who shows interest in our product or service to become a customer, the reality is that at least half of initial prospects have no use for the products and services we sell, (Sales Statistics Lab).
Inbound strategies for generating new prospects
This means that in addition to having to make constant efforts to generate new prospects, it is also necessary to implement strategies to nurture and build relationships so that more leads translate into clients.
Both efforts benefit from inbound marketing , a methodology that combines various marketing strategies and seeks to accompany and provide value to the user throughout the entire purchasing path.
Inbound marketing is a methodology that can take time to show its greatest results. But this does not mean that strategies for generating leads cannot be put into action from the beginning.
Attraction stage
During this stage we seek to attract strangers who become prospects. The most commonly used strategies to achieve this are paid campaigns and content strategies on blogs and social networks through which content offers can honduras telemarketing list be made known to help them resolve their doubts at each stage.
Content Marketing
One of the pillars of Inbound Marketing is content, b2b sales process learn the basics to develop it whether it is web content, engaging offers or the creation of blog articles. If we want to attract prospects in the early stages, we must have a solid content strategy that allows us to leverage the generation of contacts in the medium and long term.
PPC or pay per click
While PPC efforts are classified as outbound, big work this depends on their implementation. A payroll outsourcing ad appearing on a human resources director’s timeline is not the same as appearing on a marketing director’s timeline. A PPC strategy will generate quality leads in the short term.